Angel Gardens is an organic farm with a beautiful home garden in Budachów. Part of the area of Angel Gardens is located in the Natura 2000 Dobrosułów Forests and on the Dobrosułów Meadows, where the largest red deer roar in Europe takes place.
Famous festivals have been held in the villages where the farm is located for over 20 years: "dumplings with potato and cottage cheese stuffing" in Budachowo and "baked potato" in Dobrosułów.
The Angel Gardens is a place closely connected with culinary traditions and ecological agriculture and gardening. Thanks to the introduction of hybrid bikes the area of tourist attractions starting in Angel Gardens covered the whole area of Bytnica commune.
Organic Farming "Angel Gardens" Kamila Kasperska
Budachów 1
66-630 Budachów
phone +48501256376
The public task is co-financed from the funds received from the Marshal's Office of the Lubuskie Voivodeship